The object of Pot_of_Gold is to locate the leprechaun for each level. Hints are given in the top right hand corner of the screen to make this task possible. You may disable "give hints" under the cheat menu, but this will make finding the leprechaun a completely random search. In your quest for the leprechaun you will come across other inhabitants of the multiplying number of squares. There are positives and negatives in finding these other inhabitants. That depends on what you come across.
If you hit a bomb, you will loss ten points. But if you find a gold piece, you gain ten points. If you find a four leaf clover, your level bonus is doubled. A troll will steel away one of your turns. You have to be efficient because the leprechaun will move! I certainly hope you enjoy finding all those. If you continue using Pot_of_Gold after a few days, please remember your shareware fee. Its only five dollars, and when you register, you will get the password that will make your copy a registered one. Plus when you register, you will be put on a e-mailing list (if possible) that will inform you on updates as well as new software. Registering has advantages.
You will return to the same level, with the same score, and on the same skill level. You will always return to the first turn of that level. Only when you complete a level is your score for that level counted.
Pot_of_Gold requires a color monitor. Although this is the case now, I will make a black & white version if there is a demand for one. Also, Pot_of_Gold has trouble redrawing after and during exits to other applications. So doing so should be avoiding.
Send your name, address (email if you can), and the registration fee of five dollars to:
Adrian Pinter
RR 1 Box 445-B
Lewisburg PA 17837
You will receive the password for transforming your copy into a registered one.
This piece of software is copyrighted, and it's distribution should follow the general concept of shareware. Sale or license of this software by any company or individual other than Adrian Pinter is prohibited. If you decide to keep using Pot_of_Gold after a trial period, you should pay the registration fee.